ed recovery 101

the roller coaster of ed recovery

two of the scariest words… October 11, 2012

Filed under: Daily life — kayte k @ 2:02 pm
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ok. so maybe im over-reacting. but i am scared. too much knowledge isn’t always a good thing.

i was doing a little research. looking for an answer. i didnt like what i found. i am not on to call the doctor over every little hangnail, ache, or boo-boo. but my emotional mind is telling me that maybe this would be a good time to do so. yet my rattional mind is telling me im over-reacting.

the question: why did i get my period the day after having sex, a week early, im on the pill, and i’ve had it for two weeks.

i saw two of the scariest words to see, for this time in my life….pregnancy and miscarriage.


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